Aon takes their stories online to the risk management industry


Aon, a Fortune 500 risk management firm, wanted its twice-yearly publication—to serve as a critical sales tool for the organization and features client profiles and case studies on how Aon’s products and services have made a difference. The transition from print to digital, required a strategic, innovative-design approach, The digital version, also needed to serve as an informative sales piece and be accessible beyond the printed version of each issue.


Soloflight explored interactive options for the content and visual treatments that would take their 360° publication online to engage readers in a new medium. The online version of the publication increased awareness of the company’s offerings among its prospects, and served as an educational resource for current clients. More than ever, the Aon sales team began to leverage the digital publication with their target audiences. The end result became a tool that told the story in a way that clearly conveyed the benefits to an expanded audience.